I read with interest an article in Practical Wireless from June 2016 describing a neat looking receive converter to be placed up front of an RTL dongle type receiver.
These RTL devices are easy to find for a few GBP:
Here's the schematic of the converter:
I read with interest an article in Practical Wireless from June 2016 describing a neat looking receive converter to be placed up front of an RTL dongle type receiver.
These RTL devices are easy to find for a few GBP:
Here's the schematic of the converter:
And its built on a PCB from OHS Park which cost a staggering $5 USD for 3 including postage to the UK. They were delivered in a very timely manner too!
You will see that I have actually built two - but basically we have a 50MHz oscillator and a mixer, so in the example below my SDR would be tuned to 70MHz and I would be listening to my signal generator on 20MHz. The output contains what you would expect from a mixer in that we have the input frequency, the on board oscillator frequency, their sum, their difference and all the other harmonics from this mixing process:
More to follow once I have it up and running with the RTL dongle, but so far so good!
Local conditions.